I’m coming back soon!

Hello everyone. How you know I stayed away for while but I’m returning. Those months that I stay off is because I was really busy (Actually I’m a little busy yet), but I don’t wanna stop of learning (new) languages. So I’m coming back and now I wanna do more then just audio posts, now I wanna bring videos e texts of mine with a variety of subjects but still about learning languages. I hope I’ll be able to do it.

There’s another thing: I changed the blog’s nome from englishleanerlife to languagelearnerlife because I’m no studying just English, but French and German. So that’s it. Thank you e be with me in this journey.


Hi, how are you? I’m fine!!
Why did I come up with this blog? Because I want to share my development in English. How wll I do it? Here I’ll be posting my texts in English, maybe my questions and mainly my recordings speaking in English. So, would you like to follow my progress? I hope so. 😀

See you in my posts.